Quality Assurance

My entire translation process is based on the European Standard EN-15038-2006 for translation services providers.
To make sure the quality is perfect, I work in tandem with a competent colleague, who proofreads my translation.
At no additional cost to you.

Professional Competences

The following competences have been acquired through the higher education in translation, 18 years of documented professional experience in translating, residing in the USA, Russia and Ukraine, continuing professional development, including linguistic courses, certification etc.

  • Translating competence: ability to assess the problems of text comprehension and text production as well as the ability to render the target text.
  • Linguistic and textual competence in the source language and the target language: the ability to understand the source language and mastery of the target language.
  • Research competence, information acquisition and processing: the ability to efficiently acquire the additional linguistic and specialized knowledge necessary to understand the source text and to produce the target text as well as experience in the use of research tools.
  • Cultural competence: the ability to make use of information on the locale, behavioral standards and value systems that characterize the source and target cultures.
  • Technical competence: the abilities and skills required for the professional preparation and production of translations, including the ability to operate technical resources.

Technical Resources

Available technical resources include:

  • Equipment for the proper execution of the translation projects as well as for safe and confidential handling, storage, retrieval, archiving and disposal of documents and data.
  • Corresponding software (CAT-tools, DTP-software etc.).
  • Windows 10 and Mac OS.
  • Broadband Internet connection.

Quality Management

The quality management system objectives include punctual delivery, maintaining constantly high quality of translations, smooth project management.

There are processes in place for monitoring the quality of delivered translation services and where necessary providing after delivery correction and for handling all information and material received from the Client.


Basic workflow steps include:

  • Analyze the Client's enquiry with regard to the service requirements.
  • Submit a quotation to the Client indicating at least price and delivery details.
  • Enter into an agreement with the Client.
  • Deliver the required services.
  • Process payment.
  • Assess Client satisfaction.

A self-developed comprehensive system for handling and analyzing enquiries, preparing quotations, tracking orders, invoicing and recording payment allows me to record each accepted translation project and maintain a log throughout the duration of the project. It makes it possible to identify and trace the project and to determine its status at all times.


Translation Process

The source text is analyzed to anticipate possible translation problems. Source text analysis includes determining genre and register, text function, lexis and semantics, tone, context.

I endeavor to obtain supplementary information and clarification of ambiguities in the source text by contacting the Client.

Then any necessary technical and pre-translation processing tasks are carried out in order to prepare the documents for translation. Technical pre-translation processing includes:

  • Preparation of document and/or segmentation of text for Computer Assisted Translation (CAT), format conversion.
  • Collection and preparation of reference material (specific terminology, Client’s terminology, Internet links, etc.) in order to improve qualitative compliance with the service specifications. Where no specific terminology is available for the project, me and the Client can agree on terminology work to be carried out as an added value service before the translation is executed.
  • Acquiring a style guide. In the event that the Client does not provide a style guide, I use my own or another appropriate style guide. A style guide includes instructions regarding punctuation, spelling, formatting, type style and fonts, lists and tables, translation of tags and attributes, cultural words and references, forms of address, standing details; in the case of software localization - conventions for user interface components: menus, dialogue boxes and error messages; inappropriate wording, language-specific and Client preferences; common errors to be avoided.

Throughout the translation process, I pay attention to the following:

  • Terminology: compliance with specific domain and Client terminology, or any other terminology provided, as well as terminology consistency throughout the whole translation.
  • Grammar: syntax, spelling, punctuation, orthotypography, diacritical marks.
  • Lexis: lexical cohesion and phraseology.
  • Style: compliance with the proprietary or Client style guide, including register and language variants.
  • Locale: local conventions and regional standards.
  • Formatting.
  • Target group and purpose of the translation.


On completion of the initial translation, I check my own work. This process includes checking that the meaning has been conveyed, that there are no omissions or errors and that the defined service specifications have been met and making any necessary amendments.

Then the translation is revised. The reviser is a second translator with the appropriate competence in the source and target languages. The reviser examines the translation for its suitability for purpose: compares the source and target texts for terminology consistency, register and style.

Taking the reviser's recommendations into account, I implement any necessary corrective measures.

Added Value Services

I also offer: notarization, localization, terminology data base creation and termbase (glossary) management, transliteration, language and culture consultancy, pre- and post-editing etc.